Phenom ParticleX AM

Deskripsi Produk

The Thermo Scientific Phenom ParticleX Desktop Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is a multi-purpose desktop SEM designed for additive manufacturing, delivering purity at the microscale.

It is equipped with a chamber large enough to analyze samples up to 100 mm x 100 mm. The proprietary venting and loading mechanism ensures the fastest vent/load cycle in the world, providing the highest throughput.

With the Phenom ParticleX AM Desktop SEM, you can take in-house control of your data:
– Monitor critical characteristics of metal powders
– Enhance your powder-bed and powder-fed additive manufacturing processes
– Identify particle size distributions, individual particle morphology, and foreign particles

Key Features :

– SEM particle analysis
– SEM elemental mapping
– Additive manufacturing testing
-Secondary electron detector

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