Beranda / Produk / By Market / Academia and Research Tools / Melt Indexer
Melt Indexer adalah peralatan untuk mengukur dan inspeksi MFR, indicator untuk fluiditas resin termoplastik (bukan resin thermosetting)
Apa itu MFR (Melt Flow Rate)?.
MFR adalah indikator yang menunjukan fluiditas resin termoplastik. (berbeda dengan viscosity) resin dicairkan oleh temperatur konstan, dimana secara alami diekstrusi oleh bebannya sendiri. Dan MFR mengindikasi beban dari resin yang mengudara dalam 10 menit.
Ini adalah ekstruding tipe plastometer yang dibuat untuk menguji aliran resin plastik termal. Hal ini dibuat untuk memenuhi JIS K7210, ASTM D1238 dan ISO 1133
NEW PRODUCT! (Corresponding JIS/ISO and ASTM standard)
Extremely reliable with an excellent track record in the field.
1) Higher reliability of temperature distribution:
– Temperature indication resolution 0.01 ℃
– Temperature variation within ±0.2 ℃
Featuring the electric furnace temperature variation is within ±0.2 ℃, and the electric furnace temperature distribution is within ±0.4 ℃, TM Series has achieved higher reliability of temperature distribution, as well as superior ability in stability and repeatability.
Also, we have had accumulated achievements and experiences and experiences of selling melt indexers as sensor manufacturers, TM series can meet a variety of customers’ requirements.
2) Easy Operation: Touch-screen Panel
The screen is easy to see, easy to operate with a touch panel. Simply by pressing the icon, you can change the screen and configuration. You can switch JIS/ASTM with one touch!
Measurement conditions can be internally stored and it can be taken out easily. The measurement result can be saved by inserting the USB memory into the main body and pressing the save button.
3) Pre-configuration of test conditions
PE, PP, and so on are all settable with one button that you pre-configured. No need for various measurement conditions!
4) With IoT Functions (optional): Taking out measurement data in remoteness
Measurement results, set values, and trouble histories can be read from distant places! The only thing necessary for the recipient is the e-mail function. No special software is needed!
Melt Indexer L240 series
Melt Indexer L260 series and L220 series
1) Padat, Ringan dan Desk Top.
2) Pusat peralatan (Piston, Silinder, cetakan dll) awet dan stabil untuk waktu yang lama.
3) Penahan piston, alat dan stopwatch yang lebih baik untuk pengoperasian.
4) Dapat diaplikasikan untuk beban yang beragam dan tersedia untuk semua pengukuran
5) Pencegah temperatur berlebihan, pemutus listrik yang bocor, pencegah alat ini jatuh, dll. Semua ini adalah pengaman untuk alat ini.
Metode A (metode pemotongan manual)
Resin yang mengalir keluar dari cetakan dalam waktu yang ditentukan dipotong dan beban dari bagian yang dipotong diukur, dan kemudian melt flow rate (MFR) – jumlah yang mengalir keluar dalam 10 menit – dihitung. MFR dihitung dengan persamaan berikut Massa (g) sampel yang diekstrusi dalam 10 menit.
AFR (T*M*A)=(600*m)/t
T= Ukuran Suhu (℃)
M= Beban uji (Kg f)
A= Operasi metode A
m= Nilai rata-rata massa dari sampel yang diekstrusi
t=waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengambil sampel
600=10 menit dihitung dalam hitungan detik
Metode B (metode pengukuran waktu otomatis)
Waktu yang dibutuhkan oleh piston untuk bergerak ke bawah dengan panjang yang ditentukan diukur secara otomatis dan kemudian nilai MFR dihitung menggunakan waktu yang diperoleh. Untuk metode B ini, Operator otomatis MFR (opsi) digunakan. MFR diperoleh dengan persamaan berikut
MFR = ((427 x L x d) / t) g / 10 menit
L= Panjang perjalanan diukur sebenarnya cm3
d= densitas resin g/cm
t= waktu perjalanan detik
Melt Indexer L250 series
Seri Melt Indexer L250 adalah peralatan yang mengotomatiskan kendali waktu pre-heating dan posisi setelah penempatan sampel, pengukuran, pembuangan sisa sampel dan pembersihan silinder.
NEW PRODUCT! (Corresponding JIS/ISO and ASTM standard)
Extremely reliable with an excellent track record in the field.
1) Higher reliability of temperature distribution:
– Temperature indication resolution 0.01 ℃
– Temperature variation within ±0.2 ℃
Featuring the electric furnace temperature variation is within ±0.2 ℃, and the electric furnace temperature distribution is within ±0.4 ℃, TM Series has achieved higher reliability of temperature distribution, as well as superior ability in stability and repeatability.
Also, we have had accumulated achievements and experiences and experiences of selling melt indexers as sensor manufacturers, TM series can meet a variety of customers’ requirements.
2) Easy Operation: Touch-screen Panel
The screen is easy to see, easy to operate with a touch panel. Simply by pressing the icon, you can change the screen and configuration. You can switch JIS/ASTM with one touch!
Measurement conditions can be internally stored and it can be taken out easily. The measurement result can be saved by inserting the USB memory into the main body and pressing the save button.
3) Pre-configuration of test conditions
PE, PP, and so on are all settable with one button that you pre-configured. No need for various measurement conditions!
4) With IoT Functions (optional): Taking out measurement data in remoteness
Measurement results, set values, and trouble histories can be read from distant places! The only thing necessary for the recipient is the e-mail function. No special software is needed!
Download Melt Indexer TM Series Catalogue here
Melt Indexer L240 series
Melt Indexer L260 series and L220 series
Features :
1) Compact, lightweight and Desk Top.
2) The center of the equipment (Piston, Cylinder, Die, etc.) is unit-defacement and long-term stable.
3) The piston holder, attachable tool holder, and stopwatch holder are better for operation.
4) Applicable for selection of the various weight load it is available for all of the measurements
5) excessive temperature prevention, electric leakage breaker, fall prevention, etc. are all are safety devices.
Method A (Manual cutting method)
The resin which flows out of the die within the specified time is cut off and the weight of the cut portion is measured, and then the melt flow rate (MFR)-the amount that flowed out in 10 minutes - is calculated. MFR is calculated by the following equation as the Mass (g) of the sample extruded in 10 min.
AFR (T * M * A) = (600 * m) / t
Where ;
T: Measuring temperature (℃)
M: Test load (kg f)
A: Operation of Method A
m: Mean value of Mass of extruded sample
t: Time required to take a sample
600: 10 minutes counted in seconds
Method B (Automatic time measuring method)
The time required by the piston to move down the specified length is automatically measured, and then the value of MFR is calculated by using
the time thus obtained. For Method B, the MFR Automatic Operator (option) was used. MFR is obtained by the following equation
MFR = ((427 x L x d) / t) g/10min
Where ;
L: Actually measured travel length cm3
d: Resin density g/cm
t: Travel Tim sec
Melt Indexer L250 series
Melt Indexer model L250 series are the equipment that automates the control of Pre-heating time and position after putting in a sample, the measurement, discharging the remaining sample, and cleaning the cylinder.
Features :
Business Park Kebon Jeruk
Blok F2 No. 9
Jl. Raya Meruya Ilir No. 88
Meruya Utara
Jakarta 11620
Tel. +62 21 5859365
Fax. +62 21 5859268
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