Beranda / Produk / By Manufacturer / Solartron / Wireless Measurement and Gauging
The freedom to roam with Solartron’s WiGauge™ brings increased efficiency to gauging stations and work practices. The ability to work without cables means that the gauging process is not restricted by cable length and routing, or the risk of cable damage.
The audio and visual pass/fail indicators on the WiGauge™ allow the operator to decide whether or not to remove a component from a machine tool while the reading is logged into a system that can be up to 15 meters away. The rugged construction and class 1 Bluetooth™ communication ensure that it can work reliably in the often hostile environment of an engineering machine shop. With an option of an integral LCD, the WiGauge™ offers even more flexibility.
Post-process gauging stations become more flexible and with the ability to connect multiple WiGauge™ to a single receiver. Cable tangles are eliminated in multi-point gauging applications.
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