
Sensory Analysis Solution

Why you should use automated sensory analysis?

Electronic Nose offers high performance and reliability for quality assurance:

  • Fully automated operation
  • Excellent sensitivity
  • Fast analysis
  • Optimized analysis time and costs
  • Independent from analysis environment
  • Ease of operation, limited training
  • Unlimited availability

Application Range
Our sensory evaluation instruments give practical tools for decision making in quality control & product development:

  • Benchmarking of competitive products and characterization of sensory differences
  • Sensory profiling to help select the optimal formulation
  • Follow-up of sensory features ageing over time (stability & shelf-life testing)
  • Sensory quality preservation testing upon change of supplier, ingredient or process
  • Determination of the best storage conditions to preserve organoleptic quality
  • Sensory conformity checking, investigation of defect origin

Benefits of our Solutions

  • Make sensory evaluation more reliable and objective
  • Improve production sensory quality and consistency over time
  • Standardize sensory quality in production plants worldwide
  • Monitor the organoleptic features of your products
  • Qualify customer claims to reduce financial loss
  • Significantly decrease production loss thanks to earlier detection and better reactivity on sensory defects
  • Speed up liberating tests on production batches

Smell Analysis

Smell Analysis
HERACLES is an instrument dedicated to the analysis of products aroma as well as chemical molecules composing the odor.

  • Ultra fast analysis, high throughput
  • Embedded pre-concentration trap increasing sensitivity
  • 2x10m Columns / 2 Detectors
  • Liquid or headspace analysis
  • Different configurations to match application needs

Taste Analysis

Taste Analysis

ASTREE is an instrument dedicated to the analysis of products taste

  • Overall taste profile (fingerprint analysis)
  • Possible ranking based on some taste attributes intensity
  • 7 liquid sensors (ChemFET technology, conductivity measurement)
  • Analysis in liquids

Color & Shape Analysis

Color & Shape Analysis
IRIS visual analyzer achieves a detailed measurement of products aspect (colors and shapes) using high resolution camera imaging under controlled lighting conditions in a closed cabinet.

  • At-line instrumental analysis of products appearance
  • Colors & shapes
  • Whole surface or selected portions
  • Complex & non-uniform areas

Sensory Analysis Softwares

AlphaSoft operates all Alpha MOS instruments: monitor instruments settings, define analysis methods and sequences, run analysis, perform data acquisition and data processing using multivariate statistics. It is possible to combine HERACLES, ASTREE and IRIS results to have an overall point of view of products sensory features.
AroChemBase is a library of molecules and related sensory attributes for chemical and sensory characterization based on Kovats indices matching in gas chromatography.

Sensory Analysis Solutions Leader

Alpha MOS specializes in sensory analysis instrumentation and is the worldwide leader of smell, taste and visual industrial analyses. It has more than 1000 instruments installed worldwide for Food,
Beverage and Packaging industries. The company offers reliable and fast solutions that can control the sensory quality of products and secure manufacturing processes.