S2 Picofox - Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (TXRF)

Product Description

The S2 PICOFOX is the world’s first portable benchtop spectrometer for fast quantitative and semi-quantitative multi-element microanalysis of liquids, suspensions, solids and contaminations using the principle of total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (TXRF).

Reaching detection limits in the ppb and ppm range the S2 PICOFOX is optimally suited for trace element analysis. The advantages are evident in case of small sample amounts, liquid samples with high matrix content and frequently changing sample types.

Due to its complete independence of any cooling medium, the analyzer can be used not only in the laboratory but also for on-site analyses in the field.

For many applications the S2 PICOFOX will be an important enhancement to an existing AAS or ICP-OES system.

Key advantages compared to AAS and ICP-OES

  • Simultaneous multi-element trace analysis  halogenides
  • Analysis of smallest sample amounts in the nanogram or microgram range
  • Simple quantification using an internal standard
  • Suitable for various sample types and applications
  • Portable systems for fast in-field analyses
  • No matrix or memory effects
  • Low operating cost, no need for any media, disposables or periodic maintenance

For more information: www.bruker.com/OES


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