Home / Product / By Manufacturer / Bruker / Micro X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometers (Micro-XRF) M4 Tornado
M4 TORNADO adalah pilihan alat untuk perincian sampel menggunakan titik terkecil Micro X-ray Fluorescence (Micro-XRF) guna mendapatkan informasi tentang komposisi dan distribusi elemen. Alat tersebut, dapat mengukur berbagai macam sampel dengan kecepatan analisis yang telah dioptimalkan tanpa mengurangi akurasi pengukuran.
Alat tersebut mendukung untuk analisis 2D dilengkapi dengan kecepatan besar dan tinggi dan dapat menganalisis dari hampir semua jenis sampel yang kecil, besar, atau bahkan sampel berbentuk tidak teratur; anorganik, organik, dan bahkan cairan. Ruang vakumnya yang besar memungkinkan deteksi elemen cahaya.
Micro-XRF M4 TORNADO now features an optional 60 mm2 XFlash® SD detector for ultra-high-speed spectra acquisition with up to 50% higher element sensitivity, compared to the standard 30 mm² active detector area, and significantly improves the measurement efficiency when using primary filters or analyzing light element samples. This new option is ideally suited for geology and other low yield applications, the analysis of thin samples, and low kV or tube current conditions. The 60 mm² XFlash® SDD is also available as a dual detector system which doubles sensitivity and throughput.Micro-XRF 4 TORNADO provides excellent spatial resolution with spot sizes down to 25 µm for Mo Kα radiation. The new FlexiSpot feature allows to optionally chose a larger spot size of up to 200 µm for improved reproducible quantification of irregularly shaped samples, such as powders, soils or granular raw materials.The M4 TORNADO analysis software 1.3 provides a flexible measurement setup and a variety of evaluation and processing tools. The new XMethod module makes it easy to manage calibrations and standards and enables the user to develop and optimize analytical methods for complex applications, such as quantitative analysis of metallic multilayer stacks for composition and coating thickness.The M4 TORNADO can be customized to provide extended measurement ranges or even higher analysis speed: flexibility can be enhanced through the installation of a second tube with a different target and a collimator. An optional second SD detector increases speed even further.Performance in Spatially Resolved Analysis of Large ObjectsThe Bruker M6 JETSTREAM is designed for the non-destructive elemental analysis of large samples. The mobility of the instrument allows it to be placed at the site of the object of interest, be it in a gallery, museum, or on the shop floor. The performance parameters enable scanning areas of 800 mm x 600 mm with a variable spot size down to 100 µm and speeds of up to 100 mm/s. As the system is capable of measurement "on-the-fly" this results in a pixel dwell time of as short as 1 ms.View the M6 JETSTREAM on-demand webinarNon-destructive Analysis of Historical Paintings with Spatially Resolved XRFMore infoM6 JETSTREAM Brochure (PDF)Ultra Large Maps Brochure (PDF)Element distribution analysis for large samples with the highest performance:The M6 JETSTREAM measurement rig can be tilted, allowing samples to be scanned either horizontally or vertically The spot size of the M6 JETSTREAM can be adapted in five steps to match the structure of the sample and the desired spatial resolution Bruker's advanced XFlash® silicon drift detectors (SDD) are used for the detection of fluorescence radiation. They feature high count rate capability and best energy resolution over a wide count rate range Special safety circuitry provides optimal user protection against exposure to X-rays Ultrasound distance measurement safeguards against a collision with the measurement object Regardless of sample size, the M6 JETSTREAM can be easily positioned due to its mobility It can be disassembled into four parts which makes it transportable
Pilihan baru ini cocok untuk geologi dan aplikasi hasil rendah lainnya, analisis sampel tipis, dan kV rendah atau kondisi tabung saat ini. 60 mm² XFlash® SDD juga tersedia sebagai sistem detektor ganda yang menggandakan sensitivitas dan hasil.
Micro-XRF 4 TORNADO memberikan resolusi spasial yang sangat baik dengan ukuran titik hingga 25 µm untuk radiasi Mo Kα. Fitur baru FlexiSpot memungkinkan secara pilihan untuk memilih ukuran tempat yang lebih besar hingga 200 µm untuk meningkatkan kuantitas sampel yang bentuknya tidak teratur, seperti bubuk, tanah atau bahan baku granular yang mentah.
Perangkat lunak analisis versi 1.3 Micro-XRF M4 TORNADO menyediakan pengaturan pengukuran yang fleksibel serta berbagai evaluasi dan alat pengolah. Modul XMethod baru memudahkan pengelolaan kalibrasi dan standar serta memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengembangkan dan mengoptimalkan metode analitik untuk aplikasi yang kompleks, seperti analisis kuantitatif tumpukan logam multilayer untuk komposisi dan ketebalan lapisan.
M4 TORNADO dapat disesuaikan untuk memberikan rentang pengukuran yang diperpanjang atau bahkan kecepatan analisis yang lebih tinggi: fleksibilitas dapat ditingkatkan melalui pemasangan tabung kedua dengan target dan kolimator yang berbeda. Pilihan detektor SD kedua meningkatkan kecepatan lebih jauh.
Bruker M6 JETSTREAM dirancang untuk analisis elemen non-destruktif dari sampel besar. Mobilitas instrumen memungkinkannya ditempatkan di lokasi objek yang menarik, baik itu di galeri, museum, atau di lantai toko. Parameter kinerja memungkinkan area pemindaian 800 mm x 600 mm dengan ukuran titik variabel hingga 100 µm dan kecepatan hingga 100 mm/s. Waktu tunggu piksel sesingkat 1 ms karena sistem mampu mengukur secara “on-the-fly”.
Analisis distribusi elemen untuk sampel besar dengan kinerja tertinggi:
View the M6 JETSTREAM on-demand webinar
Non-destructive Analysis of Historical Paintings with Spatially Resolved XRF
More info
Ultra Large Maps Brochure (PDF)
Micro-XRF M4 TORNADO now features an optional 60 mm2 XFlash® SD detector for ultra-high-speed spectra acquisition with up to 50% higher element sensitivity, compared to the standard 30 mm² active detector area, and significantly improves the measurement efficiency when using primary filters or analyzing light element samples. This new option is ideally suited for geology and other low yield applications, the analysis of thin samples, and low kV or tube current conditions. The 60 mm² XFlash® SDD is also available as a dual detector system which doubles sensitivity and throughput.
Micro-XRF 4 TORNADO provides excellent spatial resolution with spot sizes down to 25 µm for Mo Kα radiation. The new FlexiSpot feature allows to optionally chose a larger spot size of up to 200 µm for improved reproducible quantification of irregularly shaped samples, such as powders, soils or granular raw materials.
The M4 TORNADO analysis software 1.3 provides a flexible measurement setup and a variety of evaluation and processing tools. The new XMethod module makes it easy to manage calibrations and standards and enables the user to develop and optimize analytical methods for complex applications, such as quantitative analysis of metallic multilayer stacks for composition and coating thickness.
The M4 TORNADO can be customized to provide extended measurement ranges or even higher analysis speed: flexibility can be enhanced through the installation of a second tube with a different target and a collimator. An optional second SD detector increases speed even further.
Performance in Spatially Resolved Analysis of Large Objects
The Bruker M6 JETSTREAM is designed for the non-destructive elemental analysis of large samples. The mobility of the instrument allows it to be placed at the site of the object of interest, be it in a gallery, museum, or on the shop floor. The performance parameters enable scanning areas of 800 mm x 600 mm with a variable spot size down to 100 µm and speeds of up to 100 mm/s. As the system is capable of measurement “on-the-fly” this results in a pixel dwell time of as short as 1 ms.
View the M6 JETSTREAM on-demand webinar
Non-destructive Analysis of Historical Paintings with Spatially Resolved XRF
More info
Ultra Large Maps Brochure (PDF)
Element distribution analysis for large samples with the highest performance:
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