Talos L120C TEM

Product Description

The Thermo Scientific Talos L120C G2 (S)TEM is a 20-120 kV thermionic (scanning) transmission electron microscope uniquely designed for performance and productivity. It’s useful across a wide range of samples and applications, such as 2D and 3D imaging of cells, cell organelles, asbestos, polymers, and soft materials, both at ambient and cryogenic temperatures. The Talos L120C allows you to acquire high-quality results with minimal effort, no matter your skill level. Routine 2D imaging of samples is facilitated by a simple and intuitive user interface (UI). By implementing fast and sophisticated automation in advanced 3D imaging workflows with superior TEM and STEM resolution for 20-120 kV instrumentation, it allows you to focus on scientific questions rather than microscope operation.

Talos L120C (S)TEM Advantages

The Talos L120C takes imaging to the next level with the optional cryo-box and low-dose techniques, which facilitate imaging of samples preserved at cryogenic temperatures and produce high-quality images even for beam-sensitive materials. The cryo-box provides maximal protection of the cryo-specimen resulting in minimal ice growth contamination over long (>8 h) data collection sessions.

To enhance productivity and application flexibility, especially in multi-user and multi-application environments, the cryo-box is motorized and fully retractable to facilitate seamless switching between cryo-EM imaging, STEM imaging, and EDS analysis. The large pole-piece gap of the C-Twin lens provides high contrast and allows for high specimen tilts up to 90°, while the constant-power objective lens with low-hysteresis allows for straightforward and reproducible changes of imaging modes and high-tension settings in matter of seconds.

Overall, the Talos L120C (S)TEM combines application versatility with a reproducibly performing electron column to give you new opportunities for high-resolution 3D characterization, in situ dynamic observation with EDS and other diffraction applications, and a special emphasis on high-contrast imaging and cryo-TEM.

Talos L120C (S)TEM Automation

Designed for multi-user and multi-discipline environments and equipped with a familiar UI shared across all Thermo Scientific TEM platforms, the Talos L120C TEM is ideal for novice and expert users alike. All daily TEM tunings have been automated to provide the best and most reproducible setup, easing the learning curve for novice operators and improving time-to-data for experienced users. The Talos L120C TEM also offers educational online help embedded within the UI. Additionally, Thermo Scientific application software packages facilitate intuitive settings and automated data collection for different use cases and workflows, such as large area 2D imaging, energy dispersive X-ray analysis, single particle analysis, MicroED and tomography.

Key Features :

– Versatile multi-application system
– Cryo-imaging
– Space for more
– Auto-alignments
– Ceta CMOS Camera
– High quality images
– Chemical composition data
– Improved productivity and reproducibility
– Automated data collection
– Compact design

For more info click here (https://www.thermofisher.com/id/en/home/electron-microscopy/products/transmission-electron-microscopes/talos-l120c-tem.html)


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