Bruker MultiMode 8-HR

Product Description

MultiMode 8-HR™ AFM terbaru menampilkan peningkatan yang signifikan dalam hal resolusi, kecepatan dan nanomechanical performa dengan menggunakan PeakForce Tapping®, enhanced PeakForce QNM®, FastForce Volume™ terbaru, dan ekslusif bruker Probes.

Highest Resolution Imaging Pada MultiMode 8

PeakForce Tapping menjadikan system ini mampu menyajikan gambar dengan resolusi tinggi. Memiliki data data quantitative nanoscale terlengkap, quantifiable, sangat sederhana dan mudah digunakan. ScanAsyst memberikan hasil AFM terbaik bagi penggunanya, sangat fleksibel dengan Open Access system yang mempermudah akses pada AFM.

Topography image of plasmid DNA showing corrugation along the strand that corresponds to the double helix structure. Inset: High-resolution image of a segment of the DNA strand where the alternating major and minor grooves are clearly resolved in the corresponding height profile. Color scales: 3.5 nm; 1.4 nm (inset).  Figure courtesy of A. Pyne et al. Small (2014) doi: 10.10002/smll.2012400265.

Tapping PeakForce mampu mengurangi force selama proses imaging dengan hasil citra AFM terbaik dan konsisten. Dapat diaplikasikan berbagai macam sampel baik soft biological sample dan hard sample. System ini mampu menyajikan hasil yang lebih cepat dan modulasi frekuensi PeakForce QNM yang tinggi untuk nanomechanical properties mapping.

PeakForce Tapping :

  • Kecepatan PeakForce pada multimode 8 sangat tinggi dengan no loss of performace untuk berbagai jenis sampel.
  • Korelasi PeakForce QNM quantitative nanomechanical modulus dan adhesion mapping dan PeakForce Tapping electrical modes secara instan.

PeakForce QNM :

  • Resolusi tinggi, tercepat, dan quantitative nanomechanical mapping dengan modulus frekuensi hingga 4kHz membuat PeakForce QNM imaging speeds 2 kali lebih cepat.
  • Widest operating range pada sampel, pada soft materials (1kPa) hingga hard metals (100 GPa).

PeakForce KPFM™ and PeakForce TUNA™ :

  • Quantitative work function maps dengan sensivitas hingga millivolt sampai 10 nanometer
  • Conductivity maps pada soft sample dan fragile sample yang tidak dapat digunakan pada normal tapping mode.

PeakForce-HR Module:

  • Memberikan hasil citra 6 kali lebih cepat dibandingan dengan AFM lainnya.
  • Image optimization untuk hasil yang konsisten dan berkualitas tinggi.

PeakForce Imaging Modes:

  • ScanAsyst®
  • PeakForce Tapping™
  • PeakForce Tapping-HR

General Imaging Modes:

  • TappingMode™
  • Contact Mode
  • PhaseImaging™
  • Torsional Resonance Mode (TRmode™)
  • Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM)
  • Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)

Mechanical Property Characterization:

  • PeakForce QNM®
  • FastForce Volume™
  • Nanoindentation
  • Piezoresponse Force Microscopy
  • Nanoscale Thermal


  • Scanning Thermal Microscopy
  • Force Modulation
  • Friction Force Microscopy
  • HarmoniX® Life Science and Fluid


  • Liquid Resistant Scanners
  • Small Volume Fluid Exchange
  • ScanAsyst Mode with “Tuning Free” Imaging
  • PeakForce QNM for Live-Cell Imaging

Electrical and Magnetic Property Characterization:

  • PeakForce TUNA™
  • PeakForce KPFM™
  • PiezoForce Microscopy
  • Surface Potential Mapping (FM and AM KPFM)
  • Electric Force Microscopy (EFM)
  • Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM)
  • LiftMode™
  • Conductive AFM (CAFM)
  • Tunneling AFM (TUNA)
  • Scanning Spreading Resistance Microscopy (SSRM)
  • Scanning Capacitance Microscopy (SCM)


  • Universal Bipotentiostat
  • ECAFM™
  • SECPM™
  • ECSTM™

Temperature and Environmental Control:

  • Ambient to 60°C Heater
  • -35°C to 250°C Heater-Cooler
  • Glovebox with 0.1 ppm
  • Atmospheric Chamber

More information:

Highest Resolution Imaging.

Multimode 8 system allows the researchers to create high-resolution images with PeakForce Tapping, Most Complete Quantitative Nanoscale Data Performing routine, quantifiable, nanoscale electrical and mechanical property mapping allowing everyone to be an expert in AFM.

Enabling researchers to routinely create high-resolution images with PeakForce Tapping, Performing routine, quantifiable, nanoscale electrical and mechanical property mapping. Very simple and easy to use.  The Image optimization ScanAsyst allows users to obtain expert AFM results.  This fully flexible with Open Access system allows easy access to AFM through Nanoscope open Access toolbox.

Topography image of plasmid DNA showing corrugation along the strand that corresponds to the double helix structure. Inset: High-resolution image of a segment of the DNA strand where the alternating major and minor grooves are clearly resolved in the corresponding height profile. Color scales: 3.5 nm; 1.4 nm (inset).  Figure courtesy of A. Pyne et al. Small (2014) doi: 10.10002/smll.2012400265.

The Peakforce Tapping by Bruker reduces the force during imaging greatly that results in the most consistent, highest AFM imaging. The application is widely varied throughout every discipline of research whether it is a soft biological sample to very hard material.  The system allows faster imaging and higher frequency modulation  PeakForce QNM for nanomechanical property mapping.

PeakForce Tapping :

  • Higher PeakForce imaging speeds with no loss of performance on multiple sample types whether for imaging in the air as well as fluid
  • Correlating PeakForce QNM quantitative nanomechanical modulus and adhesion mapping and PeakForce Tapping electrical modes

PeakForce QNM :

  • Highest resolution, fastest, quantitative nanomechanical mapping, extended to 4 kHz modulation frequency allowing PeakForce QNM imaging speeds by 2x
  • The widest operating range for samples, from extremely soft materials (~1 kPa) to hard metals (100 GPa)

PeakForce KPFM™ and PeakForce TUNA™ :

  • Quantitative work function maps with millivolt sensitivity with a 10-nanometer resolution level
  • Conductivity maps even on soft and fragile samples that are not feasible using normal tapping mode.

PeakForce-HR Module:

  • Provides up to 6x faster imaging in the air compared to other AFMs
  • Image optimization for consistent, expert-quality results for all AFM users.

Polymer brush structures imaged using PeakForce-HR. Scan size 1 μm at 5 Hz. Sample courtesy of S. Sheiko, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

PeakForce Imaging Modes:

  • ScanAsyst®
  • PeakForce Tapping™
  • PeakForce Tapping-HR

General Imaging Modes:

  • TappingMode™
  • Contact Mode
  • PhaseImaging™
  • Torsional Resonance Mode (TRmode™)
  • Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM)
  • Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)

Mechanical Property Characterization:

  • PeakForce QNM®
  • FastForce Volume™
  • Nanoindentation
  • Piezoresponse Force Microscopy
  • Nanoscale Thermal


  • Scanning Thermal Microscopy
  • Force Modulation
  • Friction Force Microscopy
  • HarmoniX® Life Science and Fluid


  • Liquid Resistant Scanners
  • Small Volume Fluid Exchange
  • ScanAsyst Mode with “Tuning Free” Imaging
  • PeakForce QNM for Live-Cell Imaging

Electrical and Magnetic Property Characterization:

  • PeakForce TUNA™
  • PeakForce KPFM™
  • PiezoForce Microscopy
  • Surface Potential Mapping (FM and AM KPFM)
  • Electric Force Microscopy (EFM)
  • Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM)
  • LiftMode™
  • Conductive AFM (CAFM)
  • Tunneling AFM (TUNA)
  • Scanning Spreading Resistance Microscopy (SSRM)
  • Scanning Capacitance Microscopy (SCM)


  • Universal Bipotentiostat
  • ECAFM™
  • SECPM™
  • ECSTM™

Temperature and Environmental Control:

  • Ambient to 60°C Heater
  • -35°C to 250°C Heater-Cooler
  • Glovebox with 0.1 ppm
  • Atmospheric Chamber

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