Innova Atomic Force Microscope

Product Description

Innova Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) memberikan fleksibilitas pada penelitian ilmiah terkini. Innova mampu menyajikan hasil pencitraan yang akurat  dengan resolusi tinggi, sangat fleksibel dan harga yang terjangkau.

Sistem yang unik yakni closed-loop scan linearization memastikan pengukuran yang diperoleh adalah akurat dengan noise yang kecil. Innova Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) memiliki resolusi atomic sampai skala 90 mikron.

High-resolution color optics, open stage, dan software yang mempermudah pengoperasian alat. Innova Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) memberikan hasil citra dengan resolusi tinggi dan sangat fleksibel untuk digunakan segala bidang ilmu baik dalam bidang physical, life sciences, dan material.

Routine High-Resolution Imaging

Innova dirancang menggunakan optimized electromechanical, sehingga menghasilkan kombinasi yang unik untuk kemampuan resolusi yang tinggi dan close loop positioning. Dengan menggunakan Bruker’s ultralow-noise digital closed-loop scan linearization untuk mengukuran yang lebih akurat untuk semua dimensi tanpa melihat ukuran, offset, kecepatan, rotasi  baik dalam udara maupun cairan.

  • Desain yang inovatif untuk lowest closed-loop noise dan drift secara optimal.
  • Memastikan pengukuran yang akurat di setiap skala dan dimensi
  • Memberikan hasil resolusi tertinggi dengan mudah.

Fast Setup for Every Experiment

Innova menggunakan top-down optics yang sudah diintegrasi dengan semua mode pencitraan. Software mempermudah control pada optical zoom sehingga dapat memberikan berbagai perbesaran, dengan resolusi hingga 1 mikron.

  • Pengaturan perangkat yang ergonomi dan open stage.
  • Software-controlled, high- NA optics memberikan sistem indentifikasi yang cepat dan presisi.
  • Dilengkapi dengan dengan fitur AFM pilihan
  • Pengoperasian dan alur kerja yang mudah sampai skala atomic.


skala atomic innova afm

High-resolution phase image of C60H122 alkane on graphite. Image size: 420 nm (green image), 700 nm (blue image), 380 nm (red image). Closed-loop scan linearization active. Note the clear lamellar structure with its approximately 7.5 nm periodicity proving outstanding force control and closed-loop performance.


Powerful Research Flexibility

individual triangle

Individual triangular self-assemblies of origami-DNA on mica imaged in liquid reveal individual strands and fine structure at the connection points. 250 nm closed-loop image.   (Sample courtesy of P. Rothemund, Caltech.) ica imaged in liquid reveal individual strands and fine structure at the connection points. 250 nm closed-loop image.   (Sample courtesy of P. Rothemund, Caltech.)

  • Dilengkapi dengan berbagai pengukuran :
    • SPM Modes
    • Contact Mode
    • TappingModeTM
    • PhaseImagingTM
    • LiftMode
    • Dark Lift
    • Nano-Indentation
    • Nanolithography
    • Piezo Response Microscopy
    • Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM)
    • Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM)
    • Force Modulation Microscopy (FMM)
    • Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)
    • Low-Current Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (LC-STM)
    • Electrochemical Scanning Probe Microscopy (ECSPM)
    • Single and dual-pass Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM)
    • Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy (CAFM)
    • Scanning Capacitance Microscopy (SCM)
    • TERS-enabled AFM-Raman integration (IRIS™)
    • Nano Thermal Analysis (VITA™)
  • Menyesuaikan pada penelitian dengan akses signal yang dapat dikonfigurasi pada tip-sample junction
  • Menawarkan nano-optik yang diintegrasikan dengan AFM-Raman yang mendukung TERS.

Desain Features

Comsumable with open Access

Innova SPM memberikan akses pada sampel dengan baik, tanpa harus mengurangi kekakuan pada mechanical design dan dapat dilakukan tanpa melepas kepala mikroskop.

Ready for Nano-Optics

Open-head design memberikan akses pada tip-sample junction tanpa ada halangan, menjadikan innova platform yang ideal untuk nano-optik, termasuk Tip-enhanced Raman Scattering (TERS).

Fleksibel dan memiliki Sofware yang serbaguna

NanoDrive Software memiliki banyak fitur  yang dapat meningkatkan produktivitas, bahkan pada percobaan yang sulit.

scanning capacitance innova

Scanning capacitance data of a silicon DRAM cell. The 2D dopant profile provided by dC/dV measurements allows the visualization of device defects and the extraction of critical parameters, such as gate lengths. This image was acquired in SCM/Dark Lift mode, ensuring accurate and artifact-free dopant mapping.  25 µm closed-loop image.


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Routine High-Resolution Imaging

Innova uses and optimized electromechanical design, starting from the robust microscope stage with a short mechanical loop and low thermal drift to the ultralow-noise electronics. Resulting in a unique combination of high-resolution performance and closed-loop positioning.

It uses Bruker’s ultra-low-noise digital closed-loop scan linearization for more accurate measurements in all dimensions regardless of size, offset, speed, or rotation in air and liquid.

  • Utilizes an innovative design optimized for lowest closed-loop noise and drift
  • Ensures accurate measurements at all scales and in all dimensions
  • Delivers highest resolution results with great ease

Fast Setup for Every Experiment

Innova uses patented top-down optics to integrate seamlessly with all imaging modes. The software allows the control of the optical zoom giving a wide range of magnification, allows a direct vire of the cantilever with better than 1-micron resolution

  • Provides fastest hardware setup via ergonomic, open stage
  • Ensures fast and precise region of interest identification with software-controlled, high-NA optics
  • Distills decades of AFM expertise into preconfigured experiment selector
  • Enables seamless workflow and operation, from survey to atomic resolution

Powerful Research Flexibility

Individual triangular self-assemblies of origami-DNA on mica imaged in liquid reveal individual strands and fine structure at the connection points. 250 nm closed-loop image.   (Sample courtesy of P. Rothemund, Caltech)

  • Addresses all advanced measurements with a full range of SPM modes
    • Contact Mode
    • TappingMode™
    • PhaseImaging™
    • LiftMode
    • Dark Lift
    • Nano-Indentation
    • Nanolithography
    • Piezo Response Microscopy
    • Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM)
    • Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM)
    • Force Modulation Microscopy (FMM)
    • Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)
    • Low-Current Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (LC-STM)
    • Electrochemical Scanning Probe Microscopy (ECSPM)
    • Single and dual-pass Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM)
    • Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy (CAFM)
    • Scanning Capacitance Microscopy (SCM)
    • TERS-enabled AFM-Raman integration (IRIS™)
    • Nano Thermal Analysis (VITA™)
  • Customizes research with configurable signal access and physical access to tip-sample junction
  • Offers nano-optics with TERS-enabled AFM-Raman integration

Design Features

Customizable with Open Access

The Innova SPM gives excellent sample access, without compromising the rigidity of the mechanical design and this is done with the microscope head is still in place.

Ready for Nano-Optics

The open-head design gives completely unhindered optical access to the tip-sample junction, making Innova an ideal platform for near-field based nano-optics, that includes tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS).

Flexible and Versatile Acquisition Software

The NanoDrive software has an abundant amount of features to ensure real-world productivity even in difficult experiments.

Scanning capacitance data of a silicon DRAM cell. The 2D dopant profile provided by dC/dV measurements allows the visualization of device defects and the extraction of critical parameters, such as gate lengths. This image was acquired in SCM/Dark Lift mode, ensuring accurate and artifact-free dopant mapping.  25 µm closed-loop image.


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