Beranda / Produk / By Manufacturer / Aquilos 2 Cryo-FIB
The Thermo Scientific Aquilos 2 Cryo-FIB is the latest generation of our cryo-DualBeam system. It is dedicated to the preparation of thin, electron-transparent lamellas for high-resolution cryo-electron tomography or MicroED of micro-crystals.
With the Aquilos 2 Cryo-FIB, you can take a revolutionary step forward by automating steps in the workflow to produce multiple lamellas from specific programmed locations. The improved dedicated cryo-hardware will provide you with longer run times at ultra-low contamination rates. Discover how our latest cryo-FIB platform enables the determination of structures right inside the cell.
The tomography of biomolecules in their cellular context requires highly accurate sample preparation with cryo-FIB, which can be achieved with information from integrated fluorescence microscopy. Now available for the Aquilos 2 Cryo-FIB, the Thermo Scientific iFLM Correlative System combines light and electron microscopy in one system. This eliminates the need for extra sample transfer steps and enables you to create a more streamlined cryo-correlative solution for cryo-tomography. The iFLM (Integrated Fluorescence Light Microscope) Correlative System localizes fluorescent targets inside the chamber, allowing you to correlate two imaging modalities within one system, thereby ensuring the sample is in the right location.
– Automated batch cryo-lamella milling
– Cryo-lift-out lamella preparation
– 3D visualization
– Correlate light and electron within one system
– Accelerate and Advance service packages for Cryo-tomography
– Preparation of cells for cryo-electron tomography
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