
Bruker FT-NIR Technology Seminar di Medan

40 participants from Palm Oil Industry, University, Pharmaceutical, Feed, Sugar and Food  are attended the seminar.

The speaker In this seminar is Mr. Sapriyanto as Sales Manager of PT. Dynatech International and Dr. Sirinnapa Mui Saranwong as Bruker’s Business Development Manager for SEA and Japan.

We introduce the latest technology in FT-NIR for QC, R&D and Process monitoring including the application of Palm Oil refinery, Palm plantation,  Palm oil Crushing plant, Biodiesel, Fishery, Pulp and Paper, Feed mill, Sugar and Food.

In the seminar, we also showed the live demo of complete product range Bruker FT-NIR which are Tango, MPA II and Matrix-F

Bruker Optics is a manufacturer of scientific instruments for Optical Vibrational Spectroscopy  such as FT-IR, FT-NIR, and Raman for industrial, Research, and Quality Control field.

We would like to thank all of the Seminar participants who come all the way from different places to make this seminar successful.

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