
Nickel Ore


for fast and reliable Analysis of Nickel Ore (Nickel Laterite) by EDXRF. For a long time the main source for the nickel metal production was magmatic sulfide ore. But with the globally increased demand of nickel metal other sources become more needful.

Mining Site

For a long time the main source for the nickel metal production was magmatic sulfide ore. But with the globally increased demand of nickel metal other sources become more needful. One of these nickel sources is laterite which is typically mined as low- grade deposit in open pit mines. Due to their large dimensions these mines usually contain a significant amount of nickel and therefore they contribute more and more to the increasing nickel demand. In order to optimize the nickel production processes the monitoring of the chemical composition of nickel laterite and its associated materials is more than ever essential. Besides the major elements such as Ni, Fe, and Si the elements Mg, Al, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, and Zn typically occur in minor and trace amounts.

All these elements can be analyzed using the
 S2 PUMA energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer. This instrument offers a fast and accurate control of both the mining process and the subsequent beneficiation processes.

For these Bruker Center of Excellence in Singapore has performed an Analysis involving measurements with an S2 PUMA with standard XFlash detector and a Pd target X-ray tube was used.  For fast process control the samples were prepared as pressed pellets. Due to the simple and straightforward sample preparation the analytical results are available within minutes after taking the sample. A set of 15 international certified reference materials (CRMs) were used to prepare the calibration for the 12 elements. For fast process control the samples were prepared as pressed pellets. Due to the simple and straightforward sample preparation the analytical results are available within minutes after taking the sample.

The data acquired by the measurement above has proved the high performance of the EDXRF spectrometer to test or analyze of Nickel Ore/Nickel Laterite. The EDXRF used for this measurement is manufactured by Bruker and the model used for this experiments is S2 PUMA with HighSense technology and XFlash detector . With a set of 15 standards the 12 most important elements in nickel ore samples can be determined. If you interested to learn more about the application above, please contact us.